Prafull Billore (Mba Chaiwala) Biography – Age, Height, Education, Success Story, and More


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First of All, Most Welcome you to my Blog Post. I hope you all are nice. I feel Great to share information with you all which I like and love to present to you all about person-related information of Biography.

Today, In this Post You will come to know about a young businessman who is been now has a big name across the countries from very small to big achievement.

So, You will come to know about Prafull Billore (Mba Chaiwala) Biography – Age, Height, Education, Success Story, and More

Praful Billore Known popularly by the Name MBA Chaiwala is an Indian Businessman. He is a young inspiration who shares motivation, advice, tips and also helps people. He started as an individual business and now many work with him in his team. 

Praful Billore Biography

Full Name Praful Billore
Born 14 January 1996
Age 25 as in 2021
Born Place Dhat, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Profession Businessman
Height (approx) 172 cm
Weight (approx) 65 Kg
Eye Color Black
Hair Color Black
Hobbies Reading, Travelling
Food diet Non-Vegetarian
Religion Hinduism
Marital Status Unmarried
Zodiac Sign Not Known
Nationality Indian

Praful Billore Education

Praful Billore has an education qualification of graduation in Commerce. He wished to do an MBA but was not able to get a Big quality college. But, now has all settled with a business.

Praful Billore Success Story

MBA Chaiwala has a very inspiring and motivating journey. It seems easy but it was not all easy to make chai to turn into a Business for Praful Billore. It lies with Too struggle and time to be a Big Name as MBA Chaiwala.
Praful Billore after completing his 12 studies, he did his B.Com studies and was also having a deep desire for MBA. He wanted to do MBA from top colleges in India or even the world. So, he became clear about his dream. Top Colleges like XLRI, NMIMS, IIM, SPJIMR and many more etc. For taking admission anyone has to go through tough exams like CAT, GMAT, MAT, GRE. 
Life is adventures, this seems the same for Praful Billore as he gave many times entrance exams but failed to get rank in top colleges. He was aiming for Something Big but he never stopped. He then begins travelling and exploring India. From this, Praful Billore understood that of doing something different. 
Praful Billore was B.Com passed and he was around 20s. He then decided to join a company and earn money. He was very inspired by many businessmen who started with Nothing or little and Now are more than that. He joined MC Donald’s and worked for about 4 5 Months. He was not satisfied with working for someone and wanted to make money from his self-work.
He was all about clear to start his own business. For this, he took Rs 15000 from his father as a lie to do a course. From this money, he started a small tea stall. He worked here for about 2 years in his tea stall and many used to make fun of his tea stall name as Billo rani, Mr billionaire and more. 
When he started his business, he was having a problem finding a good name but people gave him named As MBA Chaiwala. So, he gave the name and made an MBA Chaiwala Cafe. He was working very hard for the people and had something new to create every day. Many times he sells even free tea for people on special occasions. People loved his tea cafe. He was called by many institutes and gave lectures. As his business was growing day by day he was invited for lectures. Many used to take interviews and this was gaining him high to be popular across the world.
Now, MBA Chaiwala is not a simple name but Big Brand in India. MBA Chaiwala is now a foundation, education supporting and even heart patients who need support is always there for them. He has a team and wants to set this MBA Chaiwala in India and even across the world.

Some Facts About Praful Billore

  1. MBA Chaiwala was made a funny meme and shared it in Facebook posts earlier when he was not so much popular.
  2. He comes from a good Financial family.
  3. He was self-motivated to do business and started with tea business all across the country daily.
  4. MBA Chaiwala is also socially active and has his own YouTube Channel having about 224K Subscribers latest by 19 October 2021.
  5. He is a very good, confident, Natured and Motivating personality.
This was the Biography of Young Business Personality Mr. Praful Billore, who is an inspiration and motivation for many youngsters. I hope you have known much information from this blog post. So, If you enjoyed reading Comment below as your feedback is always appreciated.
Thank You ♥️


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