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top 10  unknown facts


1. Sundar Pichai becomed the CEO of the World's known Largest GOOGLE Company on 10 August 2015.

2. He was Born in Madurai, Chennai, India in a Middle Class Family to a Junior Electrical Engineer.

3. From Childhood, he was among the Studious Student who used to be the Top Rank Holder in Class.

4. He also Loves Cricket and was also the Captain of his School Days.

5. Sundar Pichai and his Wife Anjali Pichai were both Collegues from the IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.

6. He made many Google Products such as Google Lens, Google Search, Google Translator, Google Photos and Many More which are helping People across the World.

7. Before CEO of Google, Microsoft COmpany also offered him to be the CEO of the Company but the Google hiked his Income as he would stay in the Company.

8. Sundar Pichai seen a Computer for the For the First Time when he was studing in IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.

9. Sundar Pichai did his First Job at Mckinsey & Company as Management Consultant in the Year 2002.

10. Sundar Pichai is a Great Personality who has  becomed an inspiration for many across the world for his Extraordinary marvellous works.

For More Information of Ritesh Agarwal