Hardik Pandya

Top 10  Unknown Facts

1. Hardik Pandya was Born on 11 October 1993 in Choryasi, Surat, Gujarat.

2. Her Full Name is Hardik Himanshu Pandya.

3. From Childhood, Hardik pandya loved Cricket and for which his Father was always Supportive.

4. He was an Average Student in his School days due to which he left his Schooling after Failing in Class 9th Examination.

5. Hardik Pandya Recieved his First Cricket Training from Kiran More International Academy.

6. Hardik Pandya's Elder Brother is also a Cricketer whose name is Krunal Panday.

7. He is a Known as All Rounder Player in Cricket.

8. Hardik Pandya During his Teenager Age Debuted Match For Ranjhi Trophy in 2013.

9. Hardik Pandya has an Estimated Net Worth of approximately about 77 Crores.

10. Beside Everything, Hardik Pandya is called "Rockstar" of Cricket and his Successful Journey inspires everyone.

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