Bill Gates

Top 10 Unknown Facts

1. Bill Gates is one of the Top Businesmen in the World According to Forbes.

2. From his Early days, he was Curious, Funny, Studious and had deep Interest towards Computer.

3. At the Age of 13 Only, he made a Game "Tic Tac Toe" with the help of BASIC Programming.

4. During His School Days, Bill Gates and Paul Allen made "Traf-O-Data" For which they got their First Income of $20,000 Dollars.

5. Bill Gates was SAT Qualified Student were he scored 1590 Out of 1600 Marks in the Examination.

6. For Making his Company "Microsoft" Successful, Bill Gates Dropped and Later Becomed "Harvard's Most Successful Dropout".

7. In 1977, Bill Gates was arrested in Mexico For Crossing on Red Light and was also Found driving without a Driving License.

8. Bill Gates and his wife Melinda Gates Runs an NGO by the Name "The Bill  and Melinda Gates Foundation" which is one of the Biggest Charity in the World.

9. In the Year 2014, Bill Gates made Satya Narayana Nadella the CEO of Microsoft Company.

10. Bill Gates made Great Contribution to Computer Science, Which is a History to be Known For Future Generations.

For More Information About Bill Gates